Boot Camp, Pro-Fit, Box-Fit, Personal Training, Yoga, Zumba, Dance-Fit, Ballet-Fit, Turbo Kick, Rage Kids, Teen Fit, Krav Maga, Sole Training and Sports Training / Conditioning

( 801)358-2089


Email Kenny at to sign up! There are only 20 spots available in each class! Questions? call Kenny at 801-358-2089!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Boot Camp Questions... ANSWERED!

I have been answering a lot of questions about Boot Camp lately... and thought it might be a good idea to out a question/answer list here on the blog in case others are wondering the same thing! We would love to make sure every ones questions are answered! Please let us know if you ever have a question you would like us to address.

Question: When is the next boot camp session?
Answer: Monday August 2nd at 7:30am, 5:00pm, or 9:00pm

Question: How much does it cost?
Answer: $200 for new members (includes nutrition help), $100 for returning boot camp members (already have nutrition info), Everyone can receive a 20% group discount if they get a group of 4 or more friends to come with them!

Question: How big are the classes?
Answer: Classes are now going to be held to 12 people max! So email us to put your name on the list! First come first serve.

Question: When are classes held?
Answer: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday - 5 days a week!!! You choose your class time!

Question: What Time are the classes held?
Answer: 7:30am, 5:00pm, 9:00pm - Choose what time works for you and when you sign up, please let us know what class time you are signing up for.

Question: Where are classes held?
Answer: 1560 N Trinnaman Lane - LEHI, UT

Question: What if I want to come to say the 9pm class everyday except for Wednesday, can I go to a 7:30am class that day instead?
Answer: YES - If you can't make it to your class time on one of the days - feel free to make it to one of the other classes so that you don't miss your workout.

Question: How long are the classes?
Answer: Plan to be here for an hour each class. The first week the classes consists of measuring, and strength test, plus time to talk and review nutrition as a class. The workouts begin at about 9min sessions and by the last week you will have worked up to over 50min long workout sessions!

Question: What do I wear to class?
Answer: Just your normal workout clothes! It gets hot - so most people like to wear shorts and a tank top. (women seem to be more comfortable wearing "tighter" shirts - since you are in the push up position a lot - baggy shirts tend to hang and show more belly )

Question: I heard that you don't wear shoes, should I come in flip flops?
Answer: Always come with good workout shoes! You want your feet to be well supported! Yes, when on the blue mat we take of our shoes but we do keep socks on, but you never know when we will change things up and say head outside to do "hell and back"

Question: I'm haven't worked out in a long time, am I going to be ok starting in this class?
Answer: YES... everyone comes in at different levels! You will be amazed how hard the workout is no matter what level you are at, but the important thing is... do what you can! The more you put into the better your results will be! And don't worry - no one has time to look around and see who is the best, etc! EVERYONE is in survival mode during the workouts and no one has time to look around at the group!

Question: I have a bad knee, etc - can I still do the boot camp class?
Answer: YES - some people have to modify a exercise and that is ok! The important thing is to keep moving and push yourself!

Question: Where do I go after boot camp?
Answer: Some people like to do another boot camp class because they love the results they are seeing and want help with the nutrition still, while others are ready to move on to our weight lifting class PRO-FIT, another great option is Knights Armor to REALLY SEE RESULTS! We hope that everyone that walks in the door at RAGE FITNESS will want to stay here with us! We are all like family and build friendships!

Question: What if I didn't sign up for the class, can I just show up?
Answer: YES, 90% of the time you will be ok to just walk in at the scheduled start time. Some times are popular (like our 9pm class) but if the class is full we can work with you to find an available time slot.

Question: Can I join a boot camp class a week late?
Answer: Yes, but just remember it is going to be harder, because the rest of the class has already made great progress and the time has already increased quite a bit. But never push it off.... JUST DO IT! You will not regret getting in shape!

If you have any questions that weren't covered - please leave your question in the comment section and I will add it to the list and answer your questions! We have an anonymous field - so no one will know who asked the question - so feel free to ask anything!

1 comment:

Boot Camp Santa Monica said...

If you are really interested to eliminate those unwanted fats, it's bets for you to join a boot camp where you will be taught of the right work out that fits your needs.