Boot Camp, Pro-Fit, Box-Fit, Personal Training, Yoga, Zumba, Dance-Fit, Ballet-Fit, Turbo Kick, Rage Kids, Teen Fit, Krav Maga, Sole Training and Sports Training / Conditioning

( 801)358-2089


Email Kenny at to sign up! There are only 20 spots available in each class! Questions? call Kenny at 801-358-2089!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Boot Camp 8-2-10 Is HERE!!!

Boot Camp starts TOMORROW 8-2-10..... Are you all ready?

No need to sign up before class, if you haven't already done it, just show up ready to workout at your desired class time.

Rage is located 1560 N Trinnaman Ave (just one block west of State Street). We are in a warehouse building and we are the last warehouse towards the back of the parking lot. Call if you get lost or need directions at 801-358-2089. 

Class times to pick from are - 7:30am, 5:00pm, and 9:00pm.

When you come in we will have you sign a waiver, pay (if you haven't already), and give you a folder you can be reading through while we then take each one of your measurements. Then be ready to sweat! This is your first day to a new you! Congratulations!!!

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