Boot Camp, Pro-Fit, Box-Fit, Personal Training, Yoga, Zumba, Dance-Fit, Ballet-Fit, Turbo Kick, Rage Kids, Teen Fit, Krav Maga, Sole Training and Sports Training / Conditioning

( 801)358-2089


Email Kenny at to sign up! There are only 20 spots available in each class! Questions? call Kenny at 801-358-2089!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rage & Vintage Bliss

My husband is the owner of Rage Fitness. Rage stands for Real Athletes Generate Energy. The gym has been a passion of my husband's ever since he was a kid. He puts his heart and soul into his work, anyone who walks through his doors is family to him. He takes their well being very seriously and truly wants each and every person to be successful and reach their goals. Rage isn't just a place to workout, it is a support system. He teaches boot camps, fitness classes, instructs boxing and does personal training.

I own Vintage Bliss, ( a nail salon and gift gallery. I have done nails for a little over twelve years. I have also taught nail school in the past. I enjoy the opportunities that owning your own business provides. I have the ability to have a flexible schedule. I can arrange my hours, so I can still attend my kids events and activities. I can use my creativity to make things for my shop and enjoy decorating for each holiday. I enjoy getting to know each of my clients personally. I get paid to sit across from my friends and visit- how great is that!


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