Boot Camp, Pro-Fit, Box-Fit, Personal Training, Yoga, Zumba, Dance-Fit, Ballet-Fit, Turbo Kick, Rage Kids, Teen Fit, Krav Maga, Sole Training and Sports Training / Conditioning

( 801)358-2089


Email Kenny at to sign up! There are only 20 spots available in each class! Questions? call Kenny at 801-358-2089!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Angie's Testimonial

June 1st 2010.

It's been one year today that I met you Kenny at my first bootcamp and you changed my life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You have given me the tools to accomplish so many goals, and help give me self confidence. I have never felt better about my progress. I am doing things I never thought I would be able too. I feel like finally I am loosing weight the right way. This is a new lifestyle and not a diet. I feel so great everyday I eat right and go to the gym. I am so impressed with your Boot Camp and all of the knowledge I gained. I can never in my life repay you for what you have done for me. And the best part of it all is I have you as an amazing friend. I owe all of my success to you, you are truely the best. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.

~ Angie

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