Boot Camp, Pro-Fit, Box-Fit, Personal Training, Yoga, Zumba, Dance-Fit, Ballet-Fit, Turbo Kick, Rage Kids, Teen Fit, Krav Maga, Sole Training and Sports Training / Conditioning

( 801)358-2089


Email Kenny at to sign up! There are only 20 spots available in each class! Questions? call Kenny at 801-358-2089!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shannon Morgan Johnson


I have been at Rage now for just over a year...I remember when I first met Kenny and I asked him if he would kick my butt and be like Julian off of the biggest loser...I have to say he is much better. He cares, he motivates, he encourages, he trains with his heart and you feel it every class. He sees your potential before you do and he helps you to achieve it!
I have seen not only my body change but my mind and soul also. I look better and I feel better. I have learned to embrace pain...and love it! I love this new heathy addiction.
Thank you Kenny, you are amazing!

Shannon Johnson:)

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